LIVING OUT LOUD FOR GOD last three blogs (go to archives)!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The now for Now! The Then later.

Monday, May 17, 2010 6:30 AM
Well, I woke up with the alarm blaring some horrible rap music and as I reached up to hit snooze was ambushed with puppy love from heaven.  So it’s time to introduce you to “Beau” or long version “ Polar Beau”. What a little bundle of energy! Nippy litty guy too. Teathing. He was a gift from a tax client and is now my treasured companion and sidekick.Curled up at my side, I read my morning meditation, this morning it came from Daily Manna , which you can subscribe to. I get several daily meditations but ususally only read one or two.

Deuteronomy 28:7-9 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven. The LORD will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The LORD your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. The LORD will establish you as his holy people, as he promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways. Deuteronomy 28:7-9 NIV They have some great resources
I’m not going to share my thoughts on that scripture except to say, as I did yesterday, I know HE is my protector. Keeping his commands and obedience are a daily challenge- but can ALWAYS count on his promise of grace and mercy.

Next in my routine is to listen to praise music. Music , whatever you listen to is so incredible. It’s has the amazing power to speak to you---all f you---body, mind, and soul at the same time. I picked Casting Crowns “Does Anybody Hear Her” because I was sharing yesterday about church and this is EXACTLY ME before I found the church I go to now. I have had the honor of seeing them in concert and what a special gift they have. The primary writer is Mark Hall, and His story is His and more than worth reading. I’m writing on word so when I get on the net to publish this morning I’ll attach some links and embed the video.

The writer singers Mark Hall, a youth pastor as well, has yet to write a song that has not had spoken directly to my heart. So I don't get any of HIS story wrong, which is FASCINATING , as is his whole bands, i give you the link info instead.

I have so much to share with you. I wanted so much to write about what I learned at church yesterday but had to get to attend to life at hand when I came home. I told myself I would work on my BlogSpot, loving referred to as my “Godspot” for only 2 hours and then attend to the other things I needed to do. I could easily write all day. Well, truth be told 3 hours later I had to force myself to STOP and prayed for some balance (what a joke!). My daughter was mad at me the minute I got home.  I said NO when she WANTED a YES and the comment was….oh high and mighty…can do God but not her! Wow, there is a lot of truth in that, but not entirely- more on that later as the story progresses.

I have an early Doctor’s appointment and full day today so I am going to leave the “THEN” part until later so it isn’t rushed and I honestly need to spend some alone time with God before I finally introduce my mother.
Last night when I was reading my mail I saw this on someone’s post and had to copy it ! I Then had to post it to my son…it cracked me up! Might make you laugh too.

Have you ever been in therapy? No? You should try it. It's like a really easy game show where the correct answer to every question is: "Because of my mother." (Comes from face book application status shuffle)

Yup, my children can easily blame me and I can blame mine! Blame is so ease to cast in any direction rather than taking responsibility for our own decisions, right or wrong.

Blame….a whole story in itself.  The hard part is growing up enough spiritually to actually know who’s responsible for what. Yes, I blamed others and life for the first 30 years of my life. I still struggle with it sometimes. I’m jumping way ahead but I eventually ended up in Alcoholics Anonymous and during the inventory process began to see some truth. YECH! That was ugly. I’m thankful today that discovering the “truth” about myself came in bits and pieces. Had it come all at once I could easily have become a suicide statistic. As horrifying as that sounds the blessings attached to actually seeing and understanding some simple truths about me and my parents allowed me to forgive them and love them even more. Unfortunaly by that time both had passed away. I pray that doesn’t happen to my children. Maybe, if they ever read this they will find out who their mother is while I’m still alive!
OK, time to get ready for world and I’m looking forward tonight to continue the “then”

Dear Father, 
Help me do whatever you have in store for me today. Help me not be concerned about the outcomes of YOUR work and to just move forward with the path you set me on. Help me be single minded and distracted by the troubles of world and to be a burning candle that shows hope through my life. Not just through the words I write, because they mean nothing if I am not living them.  Help me keep things simple and not be concerned what anyone thinks when I say I LOVE YOU Father. I pray this all  in your precious son’s name. You daughter, Karin

Just realized what time it is and I don’t have time to post until I come back. With Love.

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