LIVING OUT LOUD FOR GOD last three blogs (go to archives)!


This page is to share with you the support needs of people going of short term mission trips that need YOUR SUPPORT. Money yes, but much more than that! Give what Your HEART LEADS you to. A prayer may be all you can give but the POWER OF PRAYER IS HUGE, financial support is always needed to support missions whether short term or long. The hands and feet of God, willing to go to those who's lives may be forever changed by their love! Financial times are difficult for most of us in this frightening economy but God always provides and a generous heart is always rewarded!

Katie and Dave Czapala: Just love them to pieces! As they have watched me grow over the years and always encouraged me I have seen them DO AMAZING things by the way they touch others. They don't "preach words" they "live love."

They have an upcoming trip to SE Asia (and some fairly dangerous areas I might add) to assist a medical team among other things. They are leaving July 17th and continue to struggle for the funds to support the trip. I have witnessed them sell there personal possessions to raise money to much evidence does one need to see the commitment of their hearts !

Support is tax deductible and can be sent to:
TrueNorth Church   MARKED Czapala Mission Trip
1297 W. Martintown Rd.
North Augusta, SC 29841 
Questions (803) 279-1555

Their letter:

Dear Friends, family, and everyone in-between,
WOW!  All we can really say is WOW!  First, the April trip to Guatemala.  We spent a week in a new village called Yalu, outside of Chimaltenango.  (Ok, the village isn’t new, but we have never been there.)  It really was a different world, even though it was only about 10 miles off a main highway.  While the trip was probably the most physically taxing trip, it was such an amazing trip!  We left exhausted but able to see where we had made impacts.  We built beds for children who had spent their lives sleeping on the floor; we served over 900 kids a nutritious lunch, the only healthy thing a lot of them eat all week; we installed electrical wiring in a school that never had any; we built toilets in houses that had never had any type of plumbing; we introduced the  kids at a school to Ultimate Frisbee and be the end of the week, they were better than us; we made friends with a Canadian mission team and we taught them how to play American football!  J  It was, to be cliché, the best trip ever!
And now our focus is turned to the next trip God has in store for us, S.E. Asia.  While we love Guatemala, it has become very comfortable.  We know the people, we know the customs and we are definitely in our comfort zone while we are there.  That’s not to say we have lost any passion for Guatemala and may even move there one day.  But we are especially excited that the trip to S.E. Asia will be unfamiliar.  Time and again, we have seen God move big in our own and other peoples’ lives when we let go of expectations and step out into the unknown.  Since we truly don’t know what to expect from this trip, we have to completely rely on God – which is an awesome and scary thing! 
Now for the details… we will be leaving July 17, and going to a couple of different countries over the next 12 days.  We will be helping doctors that are going with us, teaching English at a school there, and doing anything else we can to help out while we are there.  We will be flying back on July 28.  Since we are literally flying halfway around the world, we will have 1 day of travel each way just to get to our destinations.  While we are SUPER excited to get this opportunity, we know it’s not possible without a team of people praying and   financially supporting us.  And we are so grateful that you are a part of helping us go.  We do have a couple of specific prayer requests: 
1. Pray that we can raise the money necessary  
2. Pray for the flight there and back – 15 hours on a plane isn’t a picnic.  
3.  Pray that we make an impact while we are there – that because of our time there, people will be drawn to God in a whole new way.
Thank you does not say how grateful we feel and how overwhelmed we are by your love and support. 
So, until we find a better word, thanks!!!  We pray that you will be blessed as much as you have been a blessing to us!

All our love,
David and Katie 

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