LIVING OUT LOUD FOR GOD last three blogs (go to archives)!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

KISS Keep it simple Sweetheart

A million books or organizing, 10 top tips on a simple life,  self-help groups, advice from everyone, and even  with the most ORGANIZIED DRAWERS AND CLOSETS A perfectly Organized to do list, keeping it simple is the hardest thing to do.
Life happens TO DISRUPT ALL THAT SIMPLICITY. A TORNADO, A DEATH, A FAMILY FIGHT, JOB LOSS ...whatever the devil can use to distract you …HE WILL!  Personally I need help to stay focused on God, A Relevant Church that loves and accepts me despite my slow growth  (feel free to visit TNC messages on line :  , Christian friends who’s  wisdom I trust, prayer, the bible, time writing, and more I CANT DO IT ALONE!  And that’s not a limited list, I need more to grow but we each discover what we need to keep our own spiritual gas tank full.
I try a listen to the small quiet voice and there’s a traffic jam in my head. Family and work problems alone can keep most anybody CONSUMED to the point of distraction. They have kept me in addiction, depression, agoraphobia isolation and panic for years  and NO MORE.
 I’m being pulled in so many directions and feel torn…the right thing??? The loving thing??? The enabling thing????  I need my family too, and they are the ones I hurt the most by enabling them. Saying NO when your HEART wants to say YES makes me want to go throw up. (sorry… about the graphics but it hurts that much).  I’ve been doing it too long and it has never worked in making them see or do what they need to do for themselves. I wish more than anything I could prevent them from making the mistakes I did and do but they don’t hear me. So I love you….always and forever…that can’t change. Even if you don’t believe it.
So Simple, one bite of the mountain at a time. I’m goanna do the next thing on the list until the next tornado and then take God’s cover!


Next thing on to do list: learn dance moves to STOMP...wanna try with me?


Monday, June 21, 2010

Max Lucado's You Can Be Everything God Wants You to Be

You Can Be Everything God Wants You To Be
By Max Lucado
A review by Karin Courtney Soderstrom at
Max Lucado hits it on the “sweet spot” sharing the love and uniqueness God has for everyone.. He doesn’t leave a vague impression that everyone has one …but explains how to find your God given gift’s and talents and how to use them to glorify God. A reminder of Rick Warren’s “SHAPE”; this book should be a household reminder to encourage each other to be our best , encourage excellence in each other and ourselves and begin NOW ; for ages 1-100! Instilled with these principles we are all capable of CHANGING THE WORLD (his last chapter). This is also a great book for people “stuck” in their perception of a valley; after reading it writing a list of their God given talents and gifts might bring them back to the mountaintop!

I review for BookSneeze

Sunday, June 20, 2010

little me BIG GOD: Gonna be a flying Turtle!

little me BIG GOD: Gonna be a flying Turtle!

Gonna be a flying Turtle!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

purge   (pûrj)
v. purgedpurg·ingpurg·es
a. To free from impurities; purify.
b. To remove (impurities and other elements) by or as if by cleansing.
2. To rid of sin, guilt, or defilement.
3. Law To clear (a person) of a charge or an imputation. Often used with respect to contempt of court.

Next on to do list…in many ways…from the inside out……

So far in my blog I went from a chameleon to a wanna be worker bee to a snail!
Today, I think, I am being guided for purging. So A turtle sounds good to me! This last week has been crazy. I still have been writing some but because it involved intimate details of family members I didn’t feel it was right for it to be to broadcasted OUTLOUD … for now (meaning other relatives) can view me as the kids have painted… but the truth may come out. So I’m down to two kids who won’t talk to me and a 14 year old who knows I’m crazy, (doesn’t think, KNOWS!) And I plod on in my efforts to hold on to God’s hand and make some purpose of this live here I’ve screwed up so badly.

Several things happened this week that gave me direction…which I pray is “God” direction. One is to SIMPLIFY my life to the point of less confusion; All aspects. Great example- storage shed full of stuff costing to keep that I’ve lived without for 2 years and the only really valuable things are connected to memories. Yet I know when I start digging in there for yard sale material I’ll be saying “how could I have lived without this so long!” And the list goes on I have so many Facebook accounts I don’t know who my friends are and who my gaming pals are ( down to 1 account…stopped game!) Have so many email accounts that when I went to network main and laptop I changed my Google password and locked it up for 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My life is on Google...SCARY! My bills, my banking, my work, my calendar, mail…..That was a real eye opener. Think about it. When was next Drs appointment with which Dr? Pick up what where? NO Bills  because they are all electronic! Well….
TURTLE- I picked the turtle because I want to make my life so simple that what I need fits in my shell and I’m good to go! Now How?
This morning’s devotion helps: And if it is God’s will then I’ll find a way to jump the hurdles and HE can move the mountains. I don’t remember the exact passage (I have to get better at that) where Jesus tells (invites) someone to follow him but he doesn’t because he has to tend to things! That scares me….sounds kinda MANIC...I’m leaving to follow all take care of yourself....especially when i have a 14 year old! A 14 year old who I hope walks this path with me but doesn’t like me so ……another Mountain for God! So I’ll prepare for Him which sounds closer to what He would have in mind for me anyway!