This page is dedicated to Dr. Grant Scarborough, who’s devotion to the poor, homeless, addicted, and uninsured in the Augusta Community inspired me to making any possible resources and information available TO THE HELPING COMMUNITY AT LARGE.. I hope that more information and contributions are made and this blog is always under construction AND growing (like me!) and that others contribute by bringing their voice and opinions to “bridging the gap.”
Brief story …the beginning…6 weeks ago at my regular Dr’s. appointment he confided in me about a nameless person that he couldn’t get out of his mind. I saw his heart broken by a young crack addict who he was tempted to hunt down and admit into a rehab. I was in awe that he considered me a resource and shared the relentless mission on his heart. It dawned on me, that after 24 years in recovery, some of them as a counselor, that most people in the professional fields and pastoral roles have little understanding of addiction and even with the most sincerest of hearts their efforts can sometimes either get them into trouble: (never chase down an active crack addict) or get a high desperate woman in your car alone!) and often leave them frustrated by the circular patterns of addiction- despite help.The pastoral community, as well, sometimes fails to see that they sometimes only confirm to an addict the exact opposite of what they intended! I have also witnessed the reverse damage, to the degree that it cost the actual lives of some, when people in recovery programs give medical advice to someone without knowing the full facts or the medical degree to access the situation.Misinformation can be deadly!
So, my first contribution will be bits and pieces of information, including dangerous Misinformation and myths, that maybe valuable along the way if you have occasion to help someone plagued with this “thorn”. I will also include websites, rehabs, and books, that will help. The ultimate conclusion I have come to is that it takes a combination of resources, that rarely work together, for the best outcome. Again, this is just my opinion, it comes mostly from experience and pain, some from education, some from observance, and I speak ONLY from that perspective. I hope we all can come together and “bridge the gap.”
It is my belief that there is NO FREEDOM from addiction WITHOUT GOD and even then the torment may continue (Paul’s thorn) but if you reach the mercy and grace of God, your experience can be turned into purpose, and JOY despite the trials, will be the byproduct, if your motive is to GLORIFY HIM!
Long road…...full blown crack and heroin addict to the forgiven child of the King…..
Many problems, trials, and temptations, have the same solution although it doesn’t appear that way at the time. This website is NOT exclusively about addiction… about THE SOLUTION!
Addiction is just a symptom, there are many other symptoms of a damaged heart or soul.
The solution, however, is NEVER CHANGING CONSTANT GOD!
What’s my role in this? To serve God as one of the people honored with the blessing of bridging the gap between HOPELESSNESS to HOPE! How? However he leads me!
I walk a free woman, full of imperfections, flaws, and sin, but because of our loving and merciful God, I am only viewed by him as HIS PERFECT CHILD. My forgiven sins, paid for at the ultimate expense of the blood of Jesus Christ, are too great a sacrifice to ignore. I can barely see what HE has in store for me next!
My blog: directed more towards non believers, tells more of my own story and path, not a pretty story either, but the truth.and an ongoing journey. HOPEFULLY IT WILL be full of resources and grow in time.
With love and devotion,
God's spiritual baby girl!
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