My Fridge has, soda, mike, juice, and tea in it.We have electricity keeping all of these drinks cold! The hot bubble bath awaits. My Dog Has Clean Water! Our household flushes the toilet an average of 25 times a day! Never thought of it as a LUXURY!
This is simply the TRUTH... Yet we complain? I DO IT all the time with out realizing it. Frightening how "rich" we really are and socially "programmed" to accommodate "ourselves!" I need to do this myself... since I am such a hypocrite ... ask my kids they'll tell ya! I say it to them all the time: What's the difference: need or want?
Easy not to see as I type away on my laptop with food downstairs and the air conditioner set on "my comfort level!"
I can complain forever...what I need to focus on is to be thankful and DO WHAT I CAN
Jesus opens my eyes wider each day.
Thank you,
Living out loud and hopefully making a lot of NOISE for the kingdom!
The Water Crisis
Water. It is at the heart of a daily crisis faced by a billion of the world’s most vulnerable people—a crisis that threatens life and destroys livelihoods on a devastating scale.
Unlike war and terrorism, the global water crisis does not make media headlines, despite the fact that it claims more lives through disease than any war claims through guns. Unlike natural disasters, it does not rally concerted international action, despite the fact that more people die each year from drinking dirty water than from the world’s hurricanes, floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes combined.
This is a silent crisis experienced by the poor, and tolerated by those with the resources, technology, and the political power to end it. Yet this is a crisis that is holding back human progress, consigning large segments of humanity to lives of poverty, vulnerability, and insecurity.
At Living Water International, we are addressing this most basic of needs by helping deprived communities acquire safe, clean water. Our goal is to substantially ease the global water crisis while addressing root causes such as injustice, oppression, and abject poverty. As this happens, communities and worldviews are transformed—both among those in desperate physical need, and among those who have been blessed with much.
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